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For Sale

Updated on 12/21/09

Bucks for sale (registered and unregistered)

The time has come to part with some of our beloved (and proven) bucks. As much as we would love to keep them, we don't want to breed them back to their daughters (or separate the herds to prevent this from happening).

We are offering the following bucks for sale:

"Spotted Acres Radar" (Registered with the ADGA) (SOLD)

Radar is a proven fullblood Nubian buck who's progeny has been more than impressive in health, beauty, and vigor. He is the dominant buck in our herd but has a good temperament and is easy to handle.

Born: 2/1/07

Price: $250

"Buttercup Acres Extreme King" (Registered with the ADGA)

(Picture coming soon)

"Randall" (Can be registered) (SOLD)

(Picture coming soon)


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